A Grunter Savant

A Grunter Savant

It started with a rumour.  A call later my mind was blown.  Ian Kitching was his name, and he’d caught close on 20 grunter in two days.  That doesn’t happen.  Not in the Garden Route.

I had to go and see.  Sure enough, Ian had stumbled across the prawn walk I’ve written so much about.  Stumble is a reckless word though.  Ian had spent the previous year testing, fishing, looking.  So stumble takes away from the effort and work put in to get himself in that place.  I’d seen him on the flats in Sedgefield, and he spent far more time on the water than I did.

In this year the Supfisher was developed, and to date he spends 98% of his time fishing on this.  He spends the rest of the time observing.   He caught his first Grunter last year September.  Since then he has caught over 70 fish.  Yes, 70!!!!!

Remarkably these aren’t tailing fish (not in the Western Cape sense of the word).  They are feeding fish, cruisers for the most part.  His approach is a stripped out simplified version that is brutally effective.  This is his last pattern, and one of his Sedgefield fish.  Amazing.

The IWP on the bottom. Ians Wool Prawn.




1 thought on “A Grunter Savant”

  1. Where can i get some of those flies, i want to start fishing that area because my mom has moved there.


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