A sucker for punishment

A sucker for punishment

Its been a tough year for me fishing-wise. ย Work, fledgling new businesses and other factors just haven’t worked in my favour. ย Even my bread and butter garden route estuaries are closed this year. ย For the first time in almost half a decade, I’ve missed the spring rush. ย There is however a fish that I will make me make the time.

Found in the most hostile environments around, the White Musselcracker is a notorious bastard on artificial tackle. ย In fact I only know of one or two (one confirmed by photograph) taken on artificials, and none on fly. ย They hunt in gullies for crustaceans, sea urchins and almost any other snack they find. ย A by product of the washing machine inshore habitat means that a lot of the feeding behaviour is scent triggered. ย At least I think so.

I always used to ask prospective anglers, marine biologists, and anyone else with white mussel cracker experience if they would be possible on the old feather. ย I never got a yes. ย But two years ago something happened. ย I found possibly the only stretch (and by stretch I mean 3 little holes) on this entire coastline where they be sight cast to in shallow water, and I began to arrogantly think that maybe Neptune had me in mind for the first fly catch. ย Fast forward two years and Ive had the honour of presenting almost every single fly pattern I can imagine to these guys, probably 2 or 3 hours in totality, which is a lifetime for this sight fishing Unicorn. ย Urchins, red crabs, worms, clousers, the works. ย In an intense session early on in the hunt I managed to drop a crab right on ones forehead while it sat in a gulley in front of me. ย Didn’t even flinch.

As ugly as they are out the water, they are beautiful in it. ย They sit far higher in the water column than you would imagine, and glow a neon blue on their shoulders and fins. ย  I keep telling myself ill find that hungry fish that will make a mistake, so ill be out there soon, shaking and hoping in close quarters with my nemeses.


one this size will do just fine.
one this size will do just fine.


the anomaly -Keith Rose Innes with a very confused Musselcracker taken on a paddle tail in the Krom River
the anomaly -Keith Rose Innes with a very confused Musselcracker taken on a paddle tail in the Krom River

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