The Mission Fly Mag was started by three people. Editor, Tudor Caradoc-Davies (ex GQ, Men’s Health and Best Life), Art Director Brendan Body (ex Session skateboarding magazine and The Lake) and artist Conrad Botes, who in his editor-at-large/seagull manager role* weighs in on art and illustration and also writes stories.
We started this wee beastie because we love both fly fishing and quality magazines and wanted to create something we are proud of. The end product is The Mission, but not without some help.
Ingrid Sinclair, managing director, is on the books, admin and copy edits every fishing article before it reaches your eyeballs. Matt Kennedy, the Content Co-ordinator and padawan is behind the lens for many stories, shoots and edits videos and consults about conservation related articles. Tudor’s mum, Gillian Caradoc-Davies sub-edits many of our crazy fishing stories, tones down the swearing and makes sure they’re legible. Bailey and Rufus, the office dogs, spend their days receiving pets, barking at squirrels and dropping farts under our desks.
We are based in South Africa and while we admit a bias towards African species and destinations, we go anywhere for a story and our outlook is 100% global. After all… you try telling a fly angler they can only fish where they are from.
The Mission is always free in digital format, as is the current print edition (currently limited to South African distribution at these stockists). So save your ZARs, your US$, your £ and your € for what matters, your next mission.
Love The Mission but new to our scene? You can purchase most of our back issues in print here to complete your collection.
If you don’t like it, no worries, don’t read it. If you do like it, congratulations, you have fine taste. Spread the word. Like us on Facebook, follow us like the heavy breather you are on Instagram and sign up for our mailer.
Our contents partners are the crusty crew over at Feathers and Fluoro. They are our blog and we are their magazine. It’s beautiful. Sniff.
* Flies in, craps all over everyone, flies out.
The Mission is made with blood, sweat and beers - you can buy us one on Patreon.

It all started after the trip of a lifetime to a tiny atoll in the middle of the Indian Ocean. Two fishermen with different approaches, different thought processes, different styles and shared passion for catching fish on fly were thrown together in small room on Farquhar. The rest just happened!
The idea to combine our thoughts was born in the silence of the flats and the laughs of stories shared after a long day on the water. And although the suggestion was made on those hallowed waters of Farquhar, it wasn’t actually discussed until much later. And now, at fruition of the idea, we have “Feathers and Flouro: A fly journey.”
Peter, already established in the blogging world and most certainly holding a rugged reputation as fly tier and catcher of big fish, made the thought word and put the idea to Fred. He wanted a platform from which to simply share and, more importantly, store valuable information, experiences and ideas without the bullshit* that surrounds much of our sport and for these to be available to not just us but those to come.
It didn’t take much for a hook up, Fred (having recently set off on his own mission to share through photos and words on his own blog) bit hard!
Our plan is to bring a fusion of two different fishermen. One; slightly OCD, huge attention to detail, goal driven, neat and tidy and salt orientated, and another; slightly ADD, detail is found in the lack thereof, untidy and happy fishing in any water for any species. These opposing styles will be sealed together with the passion that we both share: to fish for fish with a fly rod and a feather at the end of the line.
We want to tell you the story of our journey in fly fishing and through this, tell the story of our sport; our passion.
So we invite you to read, enjoy, comment and learn. This is a South African Fly Fishing Blog about South African and international fly fishing for anybody who is, or wants to be, a fly fisher.
This is our memento to fly fishing…