Back to The Mountains

Back to The Mountains

I absolutely love slinging on a backpack in order to go fishing. There’s something about the knowledge that you’re miles away from the beaten paths of the local beats and no one will, barring the adventurous and fit, will be anywhere near the waters that you stretch your line over.

It’s also no secret that Browns are one of my favourite fish to catch. Even in high altitude, seldom fished streams they seem to possess a wiliness that not even the most educated Rainbow could display.

So when I get to combine the two, it always a treat. Justin and I took an old road to a seldom fished stream high in the Cape Mountains. The usual prep was taken care of; permissions from the farmer on whose land we leave the pickup, gear – hammocks, sleeping bags, whisky – food – I like to eat well; sprouts, couscous, biltong, dates, cranberries, whisky- and of course whisky, etc.

brown_trout_westerncape_hike-021 brown_trout_westerncape_hike-012

The hike is tough and left Justin feeling like there should have some fitness training prior to the hike. No matter, we got in smiling, 5 hours later. The camp was needing a good clean and debrush; it was obviously that its been awhile since I made my over that mountain. A bit of work around the camp left me wondering why it had taken me so long to get back up here. And once my hammock was strung between the Yellowwood and Wild Fig, I felt it was my duty to quickly bend a rod before sunset.

And for the next hour I took pretty little Brown after pretty little Brown. Justin was sleeping off the tough walk 🙂

The night the narrow strip of sky above was lit up better than any fireworks display! A few philosophical words were spoken about life, love and other rubbish before the hammocks sagged into contented sleep.

Morning followed with a lazy breakfast of oats, choc chips and cranberries and undrunk coffee. Yes, undrunk, it turned out the coffee I brought was crap. I was most upset! But these happen and hardly left a dent (despite the caffeine deficiently for the day) in the morning. And then of course it was fishing time.

And it did not disappoint…

There’s not much more explaining to here because the pictures should make for some great story telling themselves…


3 thoughts on “Back to The Mountains”

  1. Hey Fred.
    Awesome article, I really dig reading about all your cool fishing missions. I think I share a similar passion for adventure and fishing and I am seriously keen to go on a similar trip. Could you possibly give me some pointers as to which river is best to try? The Witels possibly? I am also lank keen to catch some browns. Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks a lot man. Go well

  2. Ruben bud! Nice to hear from you. Probably the best way to go hiking for trout in the WCape is join the CPS and get onto the Jan du Toit’s lottery. Otherwise contact UCT mountain club for details on the Waaihoek – Witels hike. Other cool options are hiking up the Krom or Sand in the Cederberg.

    Good luck and enjoy!

  3. Awesome, thanks Fred. I will most definitely do that. I am sure you fished it lots but drop me a message if you are ever keen to give the eerste a fish again sometime. Its a special river that and would be great to catch up. Cheers man 076 7565 010


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