conradbotes 08 December 2022 0GABON 2016: THE J...Part one of Conrad Botes's three-part series on a pioneering expedition of fly fishing in Gabon with African Waters. My
conradbotes 13 October 2017 5JUNGLE JUVIESThe one where Conrad Botes catches his first juvenile tarpon, with the African Waters' Sette Cama crew in Gabon. It
conradbotes 27 July 2016 6GABON 2016, DAY 4...While the tides were very favourable for fishing the surf when we arrived in Sette Cama, they slowly started to
conradbotes 10 May 2016 9GABON: DAY 2 ...Photos by Mark Murray and John Travis. The one where Conrad scores big with tarpon in Gabon. Despite the fact
conradbotes 23 April 2016 5GABON 2016: DAY 1...This is the second of three posts about Conrad Botes's fly fishing trip to Gabon in 2016. The Great Switcheroo:
conradbotes 13 July 2015 2MATCHING THE HARD...In the comment section of my previous post on this subject, Edward Truter gave some valuable advice and tips for
conradbotes 27 May 2015 3MATCHING THE HARD...I’m very excited about the prospect of joining the African Waters boys an their first ever fly fishing only trip