guest 16 October 2024 0GALAXIAS ON THE C...Professor Jenny Day, director of the Freshwater Research Centre, shares interesting developments on Cape galaxias. Photos: Jeremy Shelton There are
andre 22 July 2024 5BLENDING INBlending bucktail and fly tying materials of various colours, or even different materials themselves is nothing new in fly tying.
missionfly 11 March 2024 0THE HALO HATCHFrom wanting “plips” not “blops” to mating flights and embracing darkness, Vaal River hatch junkie Herman “Harry” Botes breaks down
leonardflemming 31 December 2023 3STRAY CRAYS FOR B...Leonard Flemming on catching sharks on crab and crayfish flies. Catching sharks on crab and crayfish flies It was a
platon 31 July 2023 2THE INVASIVE RED ...Those of you who read every inch of The Mission magazine would have seen the piece on the invasive Red
petercoetzee 26 April 2023 0FRESHWATER FLY FI...I recently went on a bug hunt on the vaal, looking for a few subjects for my new Macro lens.
petercoetzee 09 February 2023 0FRESHWATER FLY FI...I returned from my first trip to Sterkfontein with a beetle addiction. I had tied quite a few beetles, but
petercoetzee 23 December 2022 0PREY REFERENCE ...IMITATING THE NO NAME FISH *Queue game of thrones joke* This is an odd one that appeared on my phone
petercoetzee 01 August 2022 0PREY REFERENCE ...This is a series of bait and their fly imitates that I'm doing as nod to Saltwater Prey, probably my