At The Mission this week:

  • We dreamed about owning the most insane Jeep Wrangler money can buy so we can head deep into the Richtersveld in search of tank yellows. Then we decided that because we are in media, (and won’t be able to afford that specific Jeep), it makes more sense to rather put the money into pimping our current rides with Alu-Cab’s modifications and accessories. Roof top tent to sleep under the stars elevated from scorpions? Check. Shade for when it’s hot as hell near Hotazel? Check. Slide out fridge for liquid refreshment from Nieuwbrew? Check. Lockable tackle drawers for rods, reels, socks, jocks and sundry? Yes please.
  • We got stuck into John Pienaar’s selection on The Noon Day Tune.
  • We took at look at Dead Drift’s video of fly fishing in the Amatolas and started hatching a plan to get out there. While you’re on his Youtube page check out his neat fly tying vids too.
  • We read that it is estimated there will be more plastic than fish in the oceans by 2050. It’s late in the game, but ten countries have stepped up to the plate to find a solution. Several other big nations like the USA are conspicuous by their absence.
  • We read Ross Purnell of Patagonia’s take on how Mongolians’ changing attitudes to the mighty taimen are working to conserve this incredible fish. The Mongolian Pathway to Healthy Rivers. LONG READ.

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