…AND, IF you live in or can get to one of Cape Town (11th of June), Johannesburg (12th of June) or Durban (13th of June) next week. AND IF, you are willing to part with R350 to watch some of the best fly fishing films on the planet as part of the F3T SA tour…
Not only will you be guaranteed a great night out with a bunch of like-minded fishy folk,
Your ticket automatically puts you in the running to win over R700 000 worth of prizes including:
– a 7 night fly fishing trip to Alphonse Island in the Seychelles. More on that here.
– a 7 night fly fishing trip to Jurassic Lake in Patagonia. Only the biggest bloody great rainbow trout you will ever catch, eating dry flies like it is nobody’s business. Plus asado and malbec…what’s not to like?
– a 4 night fly fishing trip to the Makhangoa Community Camp on the Bokong river, Lesotho. Tourette Fishing’s world class offering right on our doorstep.
– a 3 night fly fishing trip to Nqabara Eco Lodge on the Wild Coast. Local truly is lekker. More on that here.
Plus they will be giving away a shitload of rods, reels, coolers, caps (including a few from The Mission) and other goodies.
To be blunt, you would be an idiot not to get a ticket.
Get your ticket HERE.