It’s Not Always About the Fish

It’s Not Always About the Fish

Rex Fey and Mike Avery, good old fishing friends, decided – quite rudely in my opinion – that they’dย go explore some lesser fished high altitude Lesotho streams before my holidays started! Rex, as he does, had a plan that saw saw him and Mike trekking properly for trout!

Now Lesotho has been called many things, its even been compared to New Zealand (still a big call in my opinion but one that nevertheless hints at enormity of the little Mountain Kingdom). I will say this this though; The fishing is of the very best in Southern Africa and when you throw in the Landscape… well, there’s not much else you can say.

As Rex does, he sent me the following message with several photos attached:

“Lesotho is more than just about the fishing. Fishing was really bad
so we turned a fishing trip into an epic 140km hike”

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He continued:

“Fished the tlhanyaku, koakoasti, ntonjelana, and senqu rivers. All very low and slimy in places. Fish all very small after 3 years of droughts. Biggest fish was about half a pound but a very very epic trip!!”

But it was Rex’s statement about it not being all about the fishing that really sums up a trip like this. As you look through the following photos, ask yourself when last you were surrounded by nature like this? Have you made the time to just get out there, despite conditions. And when you the conditions do suck, do shift gear, change focus and enjoy was is right there. Whether it be friends, views, sunsets or being in nature.

Big thanks Rex for sharing the photos. Mike palbag, we owe each other a fish together!

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