“M” is for Madagascar

“M” is for Madagascar

Fishing the Radama Archipelago

Photographs and text by Edward Truter

A collection of photographs from northwestern Madagascar while on an offshore spinning and vertical jigging jolly with host, Radama Sporfishing


โ€œAโ€ is for Africa but is this Africa? Sort of, though not quite.
โ€œAโ€ is for Africa but is this Africa? Sort of, though not quite.


โ€œBโ€ is for blue and bright and balmy, just a typically perfect-weather day in the Radamas.
โ€œBโ€ is for blue and bright and balmy, just a typically perfect-weather day in the Radamas.


โ€œCโ€ is for chameleons of all sizes, shapes and, err ... colours.
โ€œCโ€ is for chameleons of all sizes, shapes and, err … colours.


โ€œDโ€ is for dawn and the delight of dreaming of all the dayโ€™s possibilities.
โ€œDโ€ is for dawn and the delight of dreaming of all the dayโ€™s possibilities.


โ€œEโ€ is for Epinephelus. Madagascarโ€™s are big in number of species, size and appetite. Itโ€™s a measure of the pristine state of many of the deeper reefs, but itโ€™s also a fragile resource that needs to be managed with extreme caution. This is Epinephelus coioides or orange-spotted grouper.
โ€œEโ€ is for Epinephelus. Madagascarโ€™s are big in number of species, size and appetite. Itโ€™s a measure of the pristine state of many of the deeper reefs, but itโ€™s also a fragile resource that needs to be managed with extreme caution. This is Epinephelus coioides or orange-spotted grouper.


โ€œFโ€ is for fishy formula. A session of vertical jigging starts with cruising drop-offs glued to the โ€˜TVโ€™ and doing a little math. Fish at 59 meters: thus 5900/30 = 197 ft, therefore one requires 197 g/28 = 7 oz of brightly coloured, fluttering metal to reach the zone. Thereโ€™s a tip in there: the minimum vertical jig weight required in grams equals the depth in feet.
โ€œFโ€ is for fishy formula. A session of vertical jigging starts with cruising drop-offs glued to the โ€˜TVโ€™ and doing a little math. Fish at 59 meters: thus 5900/30 = 197 ft, therefore one requires 197 g/28 = 7 oz of brightly coloured, fluttering metal to reach the zone. Thereโ€™s a tip in there: the minimum vertical jig weight required in grams equals the depth in feet.


โ€œGโ€ is for good, golly gumdrops, what a fine dinner!
โ€œGโ€ is for good, golly gumdrops, what a fine dinner!


โ€œHโ€ is for Hellโ€™s Gate, a pile of rocks bordering a channel that is GT Heaven. Tempted by baitfish riding the tide between inshore shallows and the offshore deep, all manner of other species stack up here too.
โ€œHโ€ is for Hellโ€™s Gate, a pile of rocks bordering a channel that is GT Heaven. Tempted by baitfish riding the tide between inshore shallows and the offshore deep, all manner of other species stack up here too.


โ€œIโ€ is for inebriated. The morning after, Charlie is an alcoholic diabetic lemur. Maybe we should all drink less?
โ€œIโ€ is for inebriated. The morning after, Charlie is an alcoholic diabetic lemur. Maybe we should all drink less?


โ€œJโ€ is for journey on the long road from home. Will there be fish when we get there?
โ€œJโ€ is for journey on the long road from home. Will there be fish when we get there?


โ€œKโ€ is for knoll and a kindly sea, Sugarloaf Rock in water calmer than a teacup. High mountains inland shield this region of northwestern Madagascar from trade winds and most stormy weather.
โ€œKโ€ is for knoll and a kindly sea, Sugarloaf Rock in water calmer than a teacup. High mountains inland shield this region of northwestern Madagascar from trade winds and most stormy weather.


โ€œLโ€ is for lemur, a breakaway faction of the primate clan (though the African monkeys probably couldnโ€™t give a continental).
โ€œLโ€ is for lemur, a breakaway faction of the primate clan (though the African monkeys probably couldnโ€™t give a continental).


โ€œMโ€ is for magic mirror and to marvel at the coloured creatures from below the glass.
โ€œMโ€ is for magic mirror and to marvel at the coloured creatures from below the glass.


โ€œNโ€ is for noisy and how you want to work your plug to call in a hit.
โ€œNโ€ is for noisy and how you want to work your plug to call in a hit.


โ€œOโ€ is for observe, soak it all in. Time ticks here at the rhythm of the wind and tide.
โ€œOโ€ is for observe, soak it all in. Time ticks here at the rhythm of the wind and tide.


โ€œPโ€ is for pelagic punishment, pull or be pulled!
โ€œPโ€ is for pelagic punishment, pull or be pulled!


โ€œQโ€ is for quantity and quality, bait-balling GTs could be found on demand.
โ€œQโ€ is for quantity and quality, bait-balling GTs could be found on demand.


โ€œRโ€ is for rosy job fish. Are they named for the job (hard work) it is to catch them by having to crank a jig at warp speed?
โ€œRโ€ is for rosy job fish. Are they named for the job (hard work) it is to catch them by having to crank a jig at warp speed?


โ€œSโ€ is for sunset and sashimi in that order.
โ€œSโ€ is for sunset and sashimi in that order.


โ€œTโ€ is for teethโ€”Spanish mackerel, the oceanic bullet with a bite.
โ€œTโ€ is for teethโ€”Spanish mackerel, the oceanic bullet with a bite.


โ€œUโ€ is for uber: uber-interesting, uber-strong, actually amberjack are uber everything.
โ€œUโ€ is for uber: uber-interesting, uber-strong, actually amberjack are uber everything.


โ€œVโ€ is for valuableโ€”Madagascar currency.
โ€œVโ€ is for valuableโ€”Madagascar currency.


โ€œWโ€ is for will this be the one, will this cast be the Big Hit?
โ€œWโ€ is for will this be the one, will this cast be the Big Hit?


โ€œXโ€ marks the spot, Kalakadjoro Island, a fishermanโ€™s Xanadu (and you can bring your wife and let her loose with all your credit cards!).
โ€œXโ€ marks the spot, Kalakadjoro Island, a fishermanโ€™s Xanadu (and you can bring your wife and let her loose with all your credit cards!).


โ€œYโ€ is for yellowspotted trevally, they come to soft plastic like kids to jelly jujubes.
โ€œYโ€ is for yellowspotted trevally, they come to soft plastic like kids to jelly jujubes.


โ€œZ โ€œ is for Zebu, is it beef and reef for dinner then?
โ€œZ โ€œ is for Zebu, is it beef and reef for dinner then?

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