In the comment section of my previous post on this subject, Edward Truter gave some valuable advice and tips for flies to use in Gabon, having spent a lot of time there as location scout for African Waters. The first pattern he recommends is a Dahlberg diver.

1. Dahlberg Diver – long, heavy zonker strip tail and beefed-up diving head 4/0s to 8/0s. Fished on a sink-tip or up to Di5 line off the beach. Very good on the cubera. Clipped deerhair has a lot more fish-catching magic than foam.

Ed Truter
Ed with an African threadfin caught on a diver and Di7 sinker. flies to use in gabon
Ed with an African threadfin caught on a diver and Di7 sinker.

How I approached the Dalhberg diver

The deerhair might be better and more chewable, but I’m a lazy tier, so I ordered shipment of diver heads and bass pops that arrived today. These diver heads looks fantastic and I cannot wait to test them on kob. The great thing about these slider heads is that they come in different sizes, allowing one to tie large patterns on 6/0 hooks.

A selection of Rainy's Slider heads and bass pops in various sizes. flies to use in gabon
A selection of Rainy’s slider heads and bass pops in various sizes.
My original Spongebod, tied with golden olive hackles, olive bucktail and bronzeback SF Blend on a 4/0 hook. I always tie these as long as the hackles allow. flies to use in gabon
My original Spongebob, tied with golden olive hackles, olive bucktail and bronzeback SF Blend on a 4/0 hook. I always tie these as long as the hackles allow.
A nother vertion of the Spongebob replaces the hackles with bucktail. I tie a tuft of bucktail onto 100lb mono first. This is then tied on the hookbend of a 4/0 hook and given shoulders of darker bucktail to complete the transition between tail and shoulders. The SF blen collar comletes the tie befor the head is stuck on, resulting in a large (16cm) streamer.
Another version of the Spongebob replaces the hackles with bucktail. First I tie a long tuft of bucktail onto 100lb mono stalk. You then tie this on the hook-bend of a 4/0 hook and give it shoulders of darker bucktail to complete the transition between tail and shoulders. The SF blend collar completes the tie before the head is stuck on, resulting in a large (16cm) streamer.
My latest version of the Spongebob, using a large Slder head and a 6/0 Gammagatsu SL12. If you can find good quality Schlappen Hackle, you will be able to a very big streamer. Ideal for targeting trophy size African Threadfin ....
My latest version of the Spongebob, using a large slider head, tan schlappen, bucktail and a 6/0 Gamakatsu SL12. If you can find good quality schlappen hackle, you will be able to tie a very big streamer. Ideal for targeting trophy size African threadfin…
Large slider heads, to be used on 6/0 hooks.
Large slider heads, to be used on 6/0 hooks.

If you are looking for these, and cannot find them, look no further. They are stocked by Craig Thom at Stream X in a large variety of colours.


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