In the comment section of my previous post on this subject, Edward Truter gave some valuable advice and tips for flies to use in Gabon, having spent a lot of time there as location scout for African Waters. The first pattern he recommends is a Dahlberg diver.
1. Dahlberg Diver – long, heavy zonker strip tail and beefed-up diving head 4/0s to 8/0s. Fished on a sink-tip or up to Di5 line off the beach. Very good on the cubera. Clipped deerhair has a lot more fish-catching magic than foam.
Ed Truter
How I approached the Dalhberg diver
The deerhair might be better and more chewable, but I’m a lazy tier, so I ordered shipment of diver heads and bass pops that arrived today. These diver heads looks fantastic and I cannot wait to test them on kob. The great thing about these slider heads is that they come in different sizes, allowing one to tie large patterns on 6/0 hooks.
If you are looking for these, and cannot find them, look no further. They are stocked by Craig Thom at Stream X in a large variety of colours.
Nice Conna…. those heads look fantastic!
That Threadfin??!!! :-0