Modelled off a basic EP shrimp, and named after a Venezuelan assassin, Ewan Naude’s “Carlos The Jackal” fleeing shrimp fly pattern uses jackal fur to substitute synthetic
Modelled off a basic EP shrimp, and named after a Venezuelan assassin, Ewan Naude’s “Carlos The Jackal” fleeing shrimp fly pattern uses jackal fur to substitute synthetic
Fly fishing guides in remote destinations experience pressures and challenges a little different to your average First World working schlub. For all intents and purposes,
One of South African fly fishing’s most unassuming characters, Jannie Visser is a grunter-on-the-sand ninja par excellence, the “J” in JAM fly and, like most of us,
After fishing the ‘Socotra-islands’ I realised that some saltwater fly patterns certainly work better than others. The challenging fishing also taught me a few lessons
Have you ever imagined how it would be if the desert meets the flats? A short drive from here takes me there…and I’m going tomorrow!
Going to farther and/or deeper doesn’t always guarantee you fish, because the best time for man to fish, isn’t always the best time for the fish to feed.
In a follow up to my last GT post, I’ll give you all a little bit of visual representation of what fighting one of these