In the Thomas & Thomas Zone 10’2 2-weight, Gerald Penkler discovers a rod that excels at euronymphing, handles streamers and dries, and comes into its
In the Thomas & Thomas Zone 10’2 2-weight, Gerald Penkler discovers a rod that excels at euronymphing, handles streamers and dries, and comes into its
Plop. Greedy eyes swivelled towards the commotion. As they focussed, I swear she licked her fat rubber lips at the fry pattern hovering 1.5m away.
Is there such a thing as a perfect fly? I believe there are many well tied flies that have a great ‘strike rate’ among different
A large wake rippled after each slow strip. The fly settled into the mud. Calf deep. The pike approached, fins flared. Fanning. A twitch and
The Yucatan offers so much with its endless shores, ancient cities, deep forests, crystal waters, echoing caves, hidden lagoons and friendly people . After the
You watch a trophy submarine make a bow wave towards your fly… How confident are you that the welded wire trace loop will hold? I
I love the Double Rapala knot shared by Leonard in his post of Double Rapala knot & Piano Wire knots for tigerfish. The other exceptional
“A mirror-calm bay glided into view as we hiked around a dry wheat-coloured hillock. Dry grass lined the banks as far as the eye could
Spanish barbel gently sip dries, but what follows is an electric, turbo charged, dash into the depths. Here are some patterns that worked during the
Spanish barbel after barbel would tear off on their first run and then proceed to rip tippet and squirmies ragged over the sharp gravel. Most