From wanting “plips” not “blops” to mating flights and embracing darkness, Vaal River hatch junkie Herman “Harry” Botes breaks down the how, when, and why
From wanting “plips” not “blops” to mating flights and embracing darkness, Vaal River hatch junkie Herman “Harry” Botes breaks down the how, when, and why
Exploring remote valleys with no paths, no reception and no easy way in or out, three anglers throw caution to the wind, extend a middle
My corruption of Herman Botes’ Papa Roach has come up in conversation quite a bit lately. It’s fair to ask why on earth I would tamper with this damn near perfect stillwater trout fly, but in my case the answer is simple: you absolutely don’t have to, but … you can.
From body-boarding to skateboarding, exploring the Vaal River and its tributaries for amazing yellowfish action, or inventing fly patterns like the brilliant Papa Roach, whatever our issue 21 Lifer Herman Botes does in life, he does at full tilt.
Perhaps South Africa’s most renowned dragonfly pattern, Herman Botes’s Papa Roach has accounted for a lot of trophy stillwater trout, plus many other species in
I started fishing this specific pattern back in 2007 and met with immediate success. Although I’ve always punted the abilities of the fly ,it’s been