In this step-by-step video Andre van Wyk, frequent cover star of The Mission (see issue 16’s goldfish pond, issue 29’s full frontal nudity bucktail orgy
In this step-by-step video Andre van Wyk, frequent cover star of The Mission (see issue 16’s goldfish pond, issue 29’s full frontal nudity bucktail orgy
Those of you who read every inch of The Mission magazine would have seen the piece on the invasive Red Swamp Crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) in
The Stella is a topwater pattern tied by Richard Wale, designed with the intention of catching leervis (garrick) on topwater at his local vlei in
Warwick Leslie of Alu-Cab shows us how to simply service a Shilton reel. The same approach can be applied to any cork drag reel like an Abel or Tibor.
Beetles are fascinating creatures. They have been a favourite since childhood with Rhino beetles the size of two thumbs popping up in our garden quite
My corruption of Herman Botes’ Papa Roach has come up in conversation quite a bit lately. It’s fair to ask why on earth I would tamper with this damn near perfect stillwater trout fly, but in my case the answer is simple: you absolutely don’t have to, but … you can.
Deadly on stillwaters, but essential in pretty much any freshwater fly box, the Skinny Damsel also covers many essential fly tying techniques and tips. In
Del Brown, a name synonymous with Permit fishing, is often credited as the man who originally cracked the Permit code. The secret to his success
You’re standing right above them, on a bridge, the water is crystal clear and about a metre deep. Its flowing quite strongly and the carp
April 2005 I was fortunate, along with my late old man, to wrangle our way on to the first FlyCastaway “PAYDIRT” trip… 14 Anglers, 2