Two days after receiving the recapture info on a kob I caught, Stuart Dunlop of the ORI sent me new recapturing information.
A spotted grunter that I tagged on 22 October 2013 was recaptured on the 23rd of December (days free: 62). It was caught tagged on the Infanta side and recaptured at Witsands. Fish not released and testimony on the high fishing pressure the Breede has to endure.
Above: quick pic of the fish before it was tagged and released.
What a beautiful fish. Pity it had to be killed.
Yes, a real pity. Gathering information really goes a long way if recaptured tagged fish are released again.
Nice one Conrad, a bit of a blow to hear a fish that you tagged became victim to consumerism, but at least you are doing your bit!
Luckily unseasonal floods put an early end to the holiday fun!