Stalwart of the KwaZulu-Natal and South African competition scenes, mother and Chardonnay aficionado Linda Gorlei is our The Mission Issue 19 Lifer.
What am I most proud of? There’ve been a good few achievements among my tribe these past few years. Two of us have represented at national level and the third at provincial level in our various codes of interest. I represented South Africa at national level for fly fishing, then hombre (my husband, Rich) came along and topped it all by becoming the World Champ in 2019 at the Masters competition held in South Africa.
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But all that aside, the pride is not in the medals and blazers worn. It’s the humans my family have become and are. It comes from a random comment of praise made from someone I don’t even know regarding an experience they’ve shared with them. With the kids, it’s about watching them grow beyond their years of being moulded by a parent into making their own life decisions and learning to suck up the consequences thereof, both good and bad. I’m simply proud of us as a family. How we pull together in crisis; how we love and support unconditionally. We are a family of diverse independent individuals on one level. But I’m mostly proud that we are a unit that still looks forward to hanging out together when we can.
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