Sometimes the weird guys in yellow (smallmouth yellowfish) ignore their interest in entomology entirely.ย This is something that, if you’d told me about, I would have laughed off.ย It is however the second time I’ve seen it on separate systems.ย In both accounts there was a large amount of wind and shrubs in bloom.
Packs of fish would patrol the pea soup just off of the bank and spotting a flower fall in, would often ride up the sandy verge to eat.ย At one ridiculous point, fish stopped and were sucking on the branches bent into the river.ย As luck would have it, I didn’t have my zoom lens and so did my best to get seriously close with a 35mm prime lens, which meant hiding in the shrubs on the bank.
How did I catch them?ย A tiny white dry fly just outside the water.ย On spotting it a fish would surf in and sip the fly off.ย Exhilarating watching them almost beach themselves before hookup.
I eventually spoiled the action by slipping down the bank into the water, and it was done.ย This time however, I managed some photographic proof (with very little in focus), as well as a smallmouth yellowfish or two.