Was chasing Milkies again yesterday, and as Murphy the shit would have it, now that I was ready they were nowhere to found. A change of wind direction and they had disappeared. New flies to test and no test subjects.
Oh well. Below are pictures of two of the Milky flies I had ready and hope will work. The first is a copy of Arno Matthee’s original Milky Dream fly and the two in the following picture are an example of what happens when Mr Avalon meets Miss Milky Dream and they get it on. The darker green is to match the colour of the weed floating in the windlanes and the bright chartreuse is because so many chaps who know more than me say it is a must!
The sink rates are slower than before – which is good – but still need to determine if it’s the right rate.
Can’t wait to find them again 🙂
More to come…
Let’s share some notes mate. I’ve had a little luck with them milkies….
Try olive woolly buggers with a shorter tail , Or look at mangrove worm spawning’s.