Tying Thoughts: Alpaca Fur

Tying Thoughts: Alpaca Fur

Travelling through Peru, I’ve sampled some interesting food. The only really memorable quisine has been Cerveche and Alpaca steak – its damn good, like a lamb cross venison steak. Then, while Trekking through the Pampa de Toccra after tackling the world’s second deepest canyon, we met some of these long-necked sheep at a local farm.

What really surprised me was the qaulity of the Alpaca fur. Its like a thinner, natural EP fibre. It’s long too – up to eight inches! It has a natural wavy kink to it! Its natural colour comes in white, gray, brown or black: so no fading or running dye colours!

Now, you may have heard of Alpaca hair being used for tying – I hadn’t! I just saw big natural hair streamers running around the paddock – and lots of steak! It seems the American shops have Alpaca dubbing available, but I want to tie baitfish patterns with it!

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